Price list
Yoga group practice (in Polish)
entrance 45 zł
ticket 4 entrances 150 zł
ticket 6 entrances 210 zł
ticket 8 entrances 250 zł
ticket OPEN 270 zł
Individual yoga practice in English (in Ustanów)
1 person: 150 zł/hour
2 people: 200 zł/hour
If you want to have indyvidual practice at your place, please contact me
Yoga online
1.Live on Facebook (in Polish) – free. Small donations (coins in my virtual hat) gratefully accepted. But, if you have financial problems, simply take this gift and enjoy!
2. Yoga online through video conference platform (Skype, Messenger) – possible classes in English:
1 person: 60 zł/hour
2 people: 100 zł/hour
Account nr 98 1140 2004 0000 3202 7712 1972[:]